
With all the fear-mongering in the media, it’s time to change the narrative

Right so much negativity out there isn’t there. The media all over it. There’s some fear-mongering going on left right and center, analysts are predicting a drop in property prices, the share markets going down and down and cost of living is is up, interest rates are rising, there’s change of government, there’s some uncertainty around basically everything, everywhere you look there’s issues. The only thing that’s getting cheaper is avocados which is ironic isn’t it.

So I wanted to just debunk a few things today and just put you on the I suppose the straight and narrow of positivity and doing what’s in our control and I think it, in sporting terms it’s turning chaos into response. So instead of having that that fear, having that emotion-led decision-making and surrounding yourself with negative press or even negative people, we want to swap the narrative and turn it into response. What are we doing? So have we got a clear strategy? Do we understand our cash flow management? Do we have emergency buffers? Yes, there’s a cost of living increase so how are we dealing with that? Are we responding in a positive manner or are we sitting back and just hoping it’ll be okay?

Because I don’t think that’s the answer is it?

Do we have purpose? Do we know what our long-term wealth plan is? If we’re sitting on the fence, is that an alternative at the moment? Now so-called experts back in 2020 said housing prices generally around the country are going to dip by up to 30%. Guess what, they went up 30% and then some didn’t they!

I don’t think sitting and waiting until the market changes in your favor or speculating is absolutely the answer so we need to do what’s in our control. Emergency funds, buffers, strategy, team of people, right, that’s all in our control. We can understand what our borrowing capacity is, we understand maybe what equity we’ve got if we’re in the market already, we understand what our cash savings plan is if we’re taking action for the first time, and we can really wake up with some positivity as opposed to the reverse which is what everyone’s doing. And Warren Buffett said years ago, when it’s all negative press, that’s when we should be buying. When it’s all positive, then we need to maybe slow back and look strategically at what’s happening.

And we’re entering that period now aren’t we so we don’t want to look back in 12 months, two years, five years, and say well I should have taken action, I was actually in a position to but some people turned me off or the media turned me off or I was fearful or whatever that may be so if you’ve got some stumbling blocks or some obstacles or some roadblocks, that’s absolutely natural we’re only human, we can’t guarantee what the future is but what we can do is overcome those fears that we might have through education and surrounding yourself with the right people and get on the track to success or what you want in your life as a lifestyle outcome okay.

So I hope that sort of makes sense to you. I just wanted to throw that out because there is a lot of negativity out there and we need to debunk that and change the narrative.

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